SOLVED USB messed up bad
Public Group active 1 week, 1 day ago agoSOLVED USB messed up bad
the enhanced usb device Mbt Shoes San Antonio in device manager wont install correctly no matter what i seem to try. either Mbt Goti i get a bsod bugcode usb driver, or some other type of crash when messing with Mbt Shoes Uk Sale removing the exclamation mark. i also get a message when clicking on any usb device saying, oddly Mbt Shoes Melbourne - this device is working properly. windows did not manage to load a related driver.
i KNOW its a matter of corrupt files because, if i boot using my vista repair cd, it loads its own drivers off the dvd and it works fine. shame is i cant seem to get any help out of the repair options, accept maybe il need the command prompt soon.
ANY help would be greatly appreciated. my computer is currently rendered useless, and i simply cant manage to make any difference. i tried all the ‘common’ workaround, deleting all usb letting windows reinstall etc etc.
i run vista x64 sp1. MBT Shoes Sale nforce chipset.
kind regardsshow hidden devices
then uninstall all listed usb Mbt Shoes Orlando items
- theres a few issues here, the usb2 controller wont uninstall, and when it occasionally does it reinstalls wrong. also, in safemode an unkown usb device appears which also wont uninstall. also, its not so straightforward cos 1) once u remove the usb device of your keyboard and mouse, ure left stranded, and 2) once u remove the roothub, it auto. reinstalls everything immediately
Otto created the group SOLVED USB messed up bad 1 week, 1 day ago