Yesterday, Cumbria County Council announced the list of suppliers who have made it through to the second stage of the broadband procurement process.
The contract, worth £120million, is made up in two lots as follows;
Lot one is for the contract to provide ICT services to the council, this includes provision and maintenance of computers, phones and security etc.
Lot two is to support an exciting county wide initiative to improve public sector networks across Cumbria and to implement super-fast broadband across the County, a project known as ‘Accessible Cumbria’.
bidders through to the second stage are:
Lot One – ICT Services (maintaining the council’s computers, phones etc.)
BT Global Services
Commendium Ltd
Computercentre UK Ltd
Tata Consultancy Services Ltd
Lot Two – Accessible Cumbria (installing a superfast broadband network)
BT Global Services
Cable and Wireless
Commendium Ltd
124 suppliers registered an interest in the two ICT contracts with a total of 23 suppliers submitting submissions in the first stage.
The next stages involve the shortlisted companies entering into detailed dialogue with the Council to complete their outline stage 2 submissions for each lot by the end of July, with final detailed solutions by the end of September. The final decision will be taken by Cabinet in December 2011.
The contract start date will be 1st April 2012.
Here is the full press release
What do you make of the list?
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