New external post #Twicket shows what can be done from the blog Fibre to the home UK - Fibrevolution in the group
Broadband News 1 week, 2 days ago · View
The now globally infamous #Twicket Match in Wray, Lancashire today highlights just what can be done when rural areas have true broadband. The live streamed cricket match was a first on the Internet…..more details and full archive on twicket.info This blog post can be read at 5tth.blogspot.com Over 2700 people tuned in during the match from around the world to watch, and the online ‘tickets’ reached a staggering 1/2 a million(!) on Eventbrite. The main problem with 21st century UK broadband from the telcos is that it is asymmetrical. This means that live streaming with multiple TV and video cameras, as well as the internet [...]
New external post BT: 100meg symmetrical..It's just not (their) cricket…. from the blog Fibre to the home UK - Fibrevolution in the group
Broadband News 3 weeks, 1 day ago · View
If it wasn’t so sad, it’d be funny. Community network put in a 100Meg symmetrical backhaul, announce its usage for a livestream of a village cricket match….BT spam the village with A3 posters…. This blog post can be read at 5tth.blogspot.com Bear in mind, this is a 7 year story so we’ll keep it to the last month alone. @johnpopham, talking to @danslee, realised that there is a need to bring people into community events needing tech. The event in question became Wray’s Easter weekend cricket match , livestreamed over the Wray network. Wray has a symmetrical broadband connection, provided by Lancaster Uni . Most communities, unless they [...]
New external post Two Leetle Questions for BT….. from the blog Fibre to the home UK - Fibrevolution in the group
Broadband News 3 weeks, 5 days ago · View
At times, it is difficult to comprehend why telcos and incumbents do what they do, say what they say. So….here’s a coupla questions…………. This blog post can be read at 5tth.blogspot.com 1. BT plan to upgrade “up to 80% of their copper network to deliver connections of up to 20Mbps by the end of the year?” Our question to BT: how many up to’s can you get in one sentence? What do these “up tos” mean, after Ofcom has told telcos to stop using the term? What precisely are you trying to achieve? Both separately and together, with your Up Tos? For consumers? [...]
New external post The final piece of the jigsaw. A very belated post! from the blog GAB RDPE Project 2010 in the group
Broadband News 3 weeks, 6 days ago · View
Apologies for this post being so late after the event. It’s been a very busy time On 12 and 13 March we put the final piece of the jigsaw into place by installing three items of equipment in the Village Hall that would enable us to properly manage the network. These items were: 1 A Windows 7 PC configured for Remote Desktop Connection 2 A CentOS Linux machine configured as a web server and outgoing mail server 3 A Linux machine running the pfSense router application and the Ubiquiti AirControl application The key element is the pf Sense router which assigns reserved IP addresses to every [...]
New external post This week's catch up from the blog Fibre to the home UK - Fibrevolution in the group
Broadband News 4 weeks, 1 day ago · View
Scotland thinks it’s being left behind, BDUK is under fire, and BT reckons it can spend yet more money on copper roll out for s’posedly superfast broadband This blog post can be read at 5tth.blogspot.com Not read that lot yet? I suggest you do. All on Twitter, Google and a multitude of other platforms. And when you have, the reality that will dawn on you is that if this country was hit by an earthquake, the chance of you having a halfway decent connection as you leg it out of your tower block in the City, to any type of connection to the [...]
Sarah Dauncey posted on the forum topic Digital competence in the group
Benefits of Broadband: 4 weeks, 1 day ago · View
Thanks for the encouraging posts! I agree that digital competence adds to young people’s employment potential. But as Phil said, it’s also a vital tool to enable access to information about jobs and services. We have won funding to run a pilot residential programme at Brathay Trust for around 20 young people, probably in Years [...]
Mike Pye joined the group
Benefits of Broadband 1 month ago · View
Matthew Brack posted on the forum topic Digital competence in the group
Benefits of Broadband: 1 month ago · View
How is the pilot programme coming along, Sarah? Can you give us an update?
New external post QuakeBook from the blog Fibre to the home UK - Fibrevolution in the group
Broadband News 1 month ago · View
Sometimes, we all have to put aside our own concerns to help others. The catastrophe in Japan has led to a group of people around the world coming together, via Twitter, to create Quakebook - an anthology of first hand experiences of the Tohoku earthquake. This blog post can be read at 5tth.blogspot.com I am extremely proud to have been one of those people (one of the editors, blog creator, and part of the Yammer promo community) and that Amazon, Sony, Apple and others have all come on board to help us get the book out to the widest audience possible. Yoko [...]
New external post Dirty tricks? Again. Have we learnt nowt? from the blog Fibre to the home UK - Fibrevolution in the group
Broadband News 1 month, 1 week ago · View
As regular readers know, there have been hints and gripes (to put it mildly!) about some of what appears to have been going on. Recently and not so recently - these are not new occurrences. However, only yesterday on Twitter, we hit the target: “At what point do we stop allowing corporates to ruin communities’ present & future well-being’? That is the crux of the matter. It is relevant at a nuclear, micro, regional, national and international level. This press release has just arrived to re-inforce our fears about rural broadband in the UK. This blog post can be read at [...]
New external post Amazon #fail from the blog Fibre to the home UK - Fibrevolution in the group
Broadband News 1 month, 1 week ago · View
Amazon fail to support Japan #QuakeBook As we reach 14 days today since the earthquake and tsunami, and the consequential nuclear dilemma, a global group of authors, photographers, journalists and bloggers have expressed their frustration at Amazon’s non-support of the publication 2:46 QuakeBook This blog post can be read at 5tth.blogspot.com This book includes a multitude of first-hand accounts of the earthquake and its consequences, with all profits going directly to the Red Cross. Such accounts have been noticeably missing from the worldwide press as many journalists have been pulled from the story to report on Libya, or pulled from the region as [...]
New external post OT: 10 Things I would pay £1 a month for from the blog Fibre to the home UK - Fibrevolution in the group
Broadband News 1 month, 2 weeks ago · View
Apparently, there’s no money in content, nor broadband, nor supplying us pernickety customers. I beg to differ….. This blog post can be read at 5tth.blogspot.com Here’s what I would expect from my dumb fat pipe as extra that I would pay, in total, £10 a month for. Currently, I get all these things for free. But I started my own business at 8 years old. You have to be sustainable. So, make money…find the customers who actually value what you do and are willing to pay. What would I pay for? Let’s get this clear though…you as an ISP cannot re-invent the wheel as [...]
New external post Why we needed far smarter meters and thinkers from the blog Fibre to the home UK - Fibrevolution in the group
Broadband News 1 month, 2 weeks ago · View
Smartgrids and smart meters are gonna be buzzwords this year, (finally - thanks Chattanooga for JFDI) as the competition hots up to reach consumers and achieve EU Policy requirements for energy - which as I recall were supposed to be satisfied by 2008. But, we are miles out with our thinking. Or some are. This blog post can be read at 5tth.blogspot.com Chattanooga has shown the way by combining smart grids plus gigabit FTTH. We ignore such examples at our peril, I believe. Imagine that you had a chance to install “a device” in every single premises in the country. And, just like the [...]
New external post I'm not impurressed. But, please, donate to Japan from the blog Fibre to the home UK - Fibrevolution in the group
Broadband News 1 month, 2 weeks ago · View
Just in case you have forgotten that there is a major disaster in Japan….Lindsey has done this to me…..This blog post can be read at 5tth.blogspot.comI support this initiative, but the fallout at home will be immense I do have my own blog in case you need to follow Twisted Purr
Peter posted an update in the group
WiFiPie & CHIPS.. With everything.: 1 month, 2 weeks ago · View
People need to be 100% clear what a pilot should achieve. This must be fully defined before any money is spent and covers technology, installation, finances, support, expandability etc. For broadband it should show how the solution can be rolled out over a much wider area.
Peter joined the group
WiFiPie & CHIPS.. With everything. 1 month, 2 weeks ago · View
David Blaylock posted an update in the group
WiFiPie & CHIPS.. With everything.: 1 month, 2 weeks ago · View
This project has been running for quite some time before I came involved in it, (as a Broadband Champion). Is there anywhere I can go to see what the object and rules of the exercise are as it currently appears to be small groups fighting for their own corner and not an overall plan for rural Cumbria?
http://interactive.bis.gov.uk/comment/bduk/superfast-broadband-pilots-cumbria/ would be a start, then you’ll have to ask BDUK and CCC possibly via FOI requests to disclose the detail.
In my view it was a pilot on innovative delivery for BDUK, not a county wide thing at all. Compare with other pilots. The County wide solution would be bidding against others in the current round for part of a £50m pot. This should be A Different Thing (TM) but that got diluted very quickly.
That is an interesting observation! The Eden declaration is a good place to start. Unfortunately since then the process has become rather stagnated in the bureaucracy of procurement - some of this is a necessary evil. This is however a race - not to infinity - but to get the first real super fast networks installed (to solve not just Broadband but also TV and Mobile). The areas with the most active and organised champions will get there first. There is both public and private funds available to help and no reason for an area to delay, Its all about getting a sufficient number of people to sign up to the process. An overall plan for Cumbria is certainly needed and I have offered to assist in doing this provided that the aim is the highest possible future proof network and not the lowest possible denominator. To do this we first need to show what IS possible so that people can be convinced to sign up in their masses.
Agree Martin. Once we have a pilot up and running so that people can see what real broadband is then getting the numbers isn’t an issue and other communities can do the same. Looks like the BDUK funding is going to be spread so thin it will be worthless. Instead of doing a pilot or two its gonna go into the big copper pot. And we will end up with BET. If anyone wants to know what a real pilot project should be then I suggest they back track on this blog and read what Barry Forde has to say.
David Blaylock joined the group
WiFiPie & CHIPS.. With everything. 1 month, 2 weeks ago · View
chris conder posted an update in the group
Dentdale & Garsdale Fibre Broadband: 1 month, 2 weeks ago · View
agree John. The funding wasn’t to do the whole county, it was for innovative pilot. If we can’t prove community fibre works in a large pilot how can we hope to do the whole county? I think it is a way of the council handing over responsibility to BT. Like they did with access. And it means the rural areas won’t get anything. Again.
Chris - the Council is going to use an open procurement process to identify organisation(s) to work with. The process is only just starting - the level of interest is high so there will be competition. You are right to continue to reinforce the focus on rural need as being key to what the Council does - be assured that notspots, lowspots, rurality and community innovation are at the heart of what will be done. And alongside this the Council has a clear ambition to get superfast broadband for all of the people in Cumbria ASAP - using whatever approach is necessary or possible. Happy to be traditional and discuss this with you if this forum posting is not doing justice to this important debate.
thanks Jim. That is exactly what Lancashire county council said. word for word.
Then they put the tender out. There is only one company can tender for that proposal. And we all know who that is. Even in the cabinet meeting they let it slip. see the video… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOkijxkY0Gc
Cumbria is following in Lancashires footsteps down the digital slow lane of copper patch ups. If you want to prove me wrong I would love it. Get a pilot up and running asap. Give the people of cumbria an alternative to the incumbents crappy copper.
Happy to discuss it further, but getting fed up with stuff being done behind closed doors. Tell it like it is, and say it here? This blog is being copied, and will still be archived in 10 years time. Would that we had evidence of project access concerns from 2004 then we could rub some noses in it. This time we have lots of blogs warning what is going to happen, and it is looking like they are right. O please do try hard to make me eat my words.
Anne Fleck posted an update in the group
Dentdale & Garsdale Fibre Broadband: 1 month, 2 weeks ago · View
Letter from Eddie Martin, Leader of Cumbria County Council to Robert Sullivan, Chief Executive, BDUK on 8/3/11 regarding the Cumbria Superfast Broadband Pilot http://www.cumbria.gov.uk/elibrary/Content/Internet/536/651/4061115337.pdf
there you go cumbria. You look to be going down the same route as lancashire. Do take care. Lancs procurement is for one organisation to do the whole thing. £100 million turnover is a condition for the tender process. Now let me think, who is likely to get this tender? And when they do get it, what will they do? You guessed it. Cabinets for urban. BET and satellite for rural. Same as Cornwall. Another one bites the dust. Where is our knight on a white charger? Who will deliver NGA to Cumbria? As Ali says, ’you can keep your infinity, we’ll take beyond’.
There is no need to bother with any populated areas. Concentrate the funding on the notspots and grotspots where you get take up. Very soon these projects will start to make money, and start to spread. The telcos will then upgrade the urbans or lose the customers. Seed funding now will set in motion a movement that will bring true NGA to cumbria in our lifetimes. Hand the money over to BT and you will just have another project access on your hands. Don’t waste another pot. You won’t get another chance. Show Lancashire how to JFDI.
chrisWireless is also part of the Cornwall project, as is FTTP…
”It is expected that 50% of businesses and homes in Cornwall will be able to have fibre to the premises and therefore enjoy speeds of up to 100Mbps.”
don’t paint it worse than it is, although I share your concerns.
I don’t understand the thinking behind this letter. It appears to ignore the message from the rural communities, and looks out of touch with the reality of several small communities meeting and working together. It also seems to miss the point of a pilot being an opportunity to try new ways of doing things.
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